Thursday, May 27, 2010

Shauna Mertz

What a dear Friend we (I) have lost. I cannot even fathom going into the gym for practice and not seeing Gaye in there, or going on a trip and not having my travel buddy there. I will miss her smile and her laugh. We shared so many things over the 20 years I have known her. She was always so concerned about me and my family. She would do anything for us. Taking frantic calls from me about broken arms, illnesses, knocks to the head or anything else that I needed Gaye's expert opinion on.

She was the "master taper". I remember as an athlete just waiting for Gaye to tape me. It was always perfect! She was so knowledgeable and seemed to always be right. We knew that whatever Gaye said was the way it was. As a coach we relied on her expertise and trusted in her ability. She worked endless hours making sure our athletes were ready to go and getting them "better."

She was so much fun to travel with. Her sense of direction was incredible. She was often the one who kept us from getting lost. Her sense of direction came in handy on many occassions- especially on on particular trip to New Hampshire. We came out of the meet to a white out. The roads were so covered and you could barely see in front of the car. Luckily because of her we made it back safely to the Hotel!!

She was also the one who knew where we should eat - no matter what city we were in. She started us on Jason's Deli and others before they were very well known.I also feel very fortunate to have had her "escape" with my family on a week long cruise. It took her a few days to stop worrying about work and everything she should be doing and just relax. No cell phones and no computers - I thought she wasn't going to be able to handle it. But handle it she did. We had such a fun time with her. I got to see a different side of Gaye - Imagine - jumping of a cliff into the river!!

These last few months helping Gaye have been an incredible experience and I wouldn't trade it for anything. (except having her back!) Gaye fought hard and wanted to still be here, but I am so glad she is with her mother. She missed her terribly.Gaye was such an example to me. I never want to forget the way she lived her life and her beliefs and try to emulate her in some small way.

Miss you my dear friend.

Shauna Mertz


  1. As good as a driver Gaye was, I'll never forget the time in Iowa when she almost had a mishap...the look on that man's face and the laughter inside the car...priceless! And she just loved every time I brought it back up... :)

  2. I've been waiting for you to post about that! You should post the whole story kay :)

  3. I remember New Hampshire! What a trip...
