Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gaye Shmay

There aren't enough words to express how grateful and blessed I am to have had Gaye apart of my life. I never would have made it through BYU without her. Being on the gymnastics team, I was lucky enough to have spent almost everyday with her for 4 years. She was with me every step of the way through my injuries, especially my back. She took me to doctors appointments and would hold my hand when I needed it. She did everything she could to get me the help that I needed so that I could not only workout and compete, but even just to walk. There were times where Gaye wasn't very happy with me.....mostly because I was working out when she told me I couldn't or not stopping when she told me to. I would get the look from her (a lot of you know what that look was), and I knew I was in trouble. Ha ha. I knew it was just because she cared so much. She had this silly side to her that I loved to see come out, especially when we would travel. We loved riding in Gaye's car because she usually got everywhere first, and without getting lost. I have so many memories of her that it would take pages and pages to name all of them. I have been fortunate to be able to see Gaye over the last several years when I come back for gymnastics meets, and especially a couple months ago. I will miss seeing her face when I come back to visit. The training room will never be the same. Thank you Gaye for everything you have done for me. I love you and I will miss you so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Last night after the viewing, I couldn't sleep, and thoughts of Gaye kept running through my mind. I had wanted to post something expressing my love and appreciation for her, but my thoughts wouldn't quite come together. Then the image of her hands came into my mind--so clear and familiar even though it has been so many years--and I felt so grateful to have had those hands touch my life. I feel blessed to have her strong and able hands probing/investigating a new injury, taping, treating, caring...blessed to be the recipient of that priceless smile with eyes twinkling--or sometimes that concerned or scolding look, or her quiet laugh...privileged to be a passenger in her car to doctors' appointments :)...and blessed to be witness to her example of diligence, faithfulness, patience, and strength. I guess I just wanted to express that I am so grateful to have had her in my life and feel inspired to put a little more "Gaye" in my own life. I'm sure her influence will last with all of us.
